Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Rambling on and on and on and on....

To say that this blog hasn't been updated in a while would be..well, an accurate statement.
So, a recap for all those reading(if any are reading this.)

Hmm, where to begin?
Ok so, first of all, I have left the Philippines. I currently reside in Hong Kong. I had a despedida before I left, which was a blast. My cousin Migs (you may call him..MahabangKwan) was there and most of our barkada. Unfortunately Sonny wasn't able to make it, but it's ok. He had his reasons. And his reasons were good.
Unlike some people out there.
But oops, I'm not gonna drop names.
Anyways, Life here has been pretty weird.
If I haven't properly introduced myself, I won't. 'Cause it takes a while and it's a pretty long story.
Suffice to say, I'm one of those kids who fuck up almost every single day. Let's leave it at that.
So anyway, Life here in Hong Kong is pretty weird. The first thing that freaks me out obviously is the language. It's like everyone is screaming at each other. I know the Cantonese language has its intricacies but, cmon people! Inside voices, USE IT.
Second, the pace of life here is best described as FAST. I mean, seriously fast. Everyone here worth their siomai walks at a pace roughly equivalent to a jog. I'm not even kidding. It's like, everyone has somewhere to go. No idle by-standers, shit even the old people are doing something. And as one of the laziest people I know, this scares me. The only way I could survive walking down the streets of downtown Hong Kong is to walk like I'm going to the bathroom or some shit. It honestly freaks me out.
So, aside from the complexities of the country, what else is new about me?
Well sir and madame, I could go on and on, but I would be lying.
As some dead guy once said, History repeats itself. I got a sweet job bartending at this bar in Discovery Bay. Basically, Discovery Bay is like the UN. 90% of the population is White, mostly Anglo-Saxon. The rest is a hodge-podge of Asian,Black and Filipino. And for a time, It was good.
I went to work, did my best, went home.
Shit, I even got laid here. It was awesome.
But as proven time and again, I will always find a way to fuck things up.
Pretty soon I lost my job, I broke up with my girlfriend, and now I'm languishing at home AGAIN. Putting the cherry on top of this sad,sad predicament is my Mom. It's not that she berrates me without reason, it's the complete opposite actually. She makes sense. Her arguments are rational, and, this what I can't stand the most, SHE ALWAYS SEEMS TO BE RIGHT.
Yeah, I'm living the sweet life now aren't I? (not heard, the miserably sarcastic tone of my voice).
In conclusion to this sad tale are stories from home about my friends. Not only does it depress me to think that I can't hang out with them, I'm hearing stories about some of my closest friends drifting apart. Whether it's by some outside force, or by personal choice, my friends are drifting apart from each other. And that just sucks. Big Time.
As I write this, I come to realize that I've built up my identity on my friends. And that's why I'm so afraid to lose them. Even if I can't stand some of them. I define myself by the people that surround me, and I don't know if that's right or wrong. You tell me.
Anyways, It is disturbing to note that most of the writing I've been doing has been shifting from normal nonsense trying-hard fiction, to stupid frikkin shitty emo shit. Seriously, I may need to kill myself soon before the Emo plague consumes me any further.

What brought about this sudden outburst of teenage angst? Well, I'm turning 19 in 2 weeks. And that really scares the shit out of me. 19, and what do I have to show for it? Again, kind sir and madame, you tell me.

Well, Interesting. I hope that Sonny and MK post more often. It'd be fun to revive this blog.
Anyhoo, as the British are apt in saying, Cheers mate.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

What Is Love?

Now quite a lot of my closer friends know that I have found someone special
That someone, fills the void in my life
She takes care of me everyday
and I reciprocate

A couple years ago, I was very lost. I didn't know what I wanted in life
.I didnt know what I needed in life.
I was envious of all the couples I saw around me.
I was jealous of all the guys with girls in their arms.
I was furious at the men who didnt treat their women like ladies.
One only know's what he's got the moment he loses it.
The moment it is already too late.

I made a vow
To treat whoever loves me in life... with the utmost respect, love, and understanding
My Family
My Friends
My Lovely Girlfriend
I take none for granted.
For each day we spend on this earth
is a gamble
I could move on after writing this
I could move on after lunch tomorrow
Or, it could be you
Life is unpredictable
Sharp turns
Life is too short
Live life, loving
and caring for the people that matter the most
go out with a friend and down a long neck
take your dad out for a BBQ dinner
treat your mom out to a day at the spa
buy your little sister some candies
pamper your better half
give her the world give her the world, the way she likes it
or sunny side up

Love is, sharing your soup with a friend because a fly landed in hers.
Love is, a bright red rose, for no reason at all.
Love is, giving up some time to make sure you catch an early ride home to cook dinner for a guest.
Love is, spending 5 hours, shopping in 3 craft stores and making a meaningful valentines day card.
Love is, doing the same exact thing, to make a card, for every other day of the year.
Love is, cancelling an important event, to spend time with a friend who you havent seen in a while---even if it means you just end up talking and staring into space.
Love is, a home cooked meal---which you put together by calling the best caterers in town,
so you're sure your date enjoys the feast.
Love is, a letter for each day of the year.
Love is, replying to all those letters.

Love, can not be defined.
It is merely experienced.
Love Life. Love your Friends. Love your Better Half.

Dedicated to my love
Caroline Marie Ruegg